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“لم أستطع منع نفسي من مقارنة نفسي”: الفائز بالأسبوع الثامن في مسابقة القراءة الصيفية

الفائز اختارت جولي، من لونغ آيلاند، نيويورك، مقالًا من قسم الصحة بعنوان “كيف يتعافى المراهقون من “تيك توك” وكتبت: عندما…

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Making Summer Special: The Week 7 Winner of Our Summer Reading Contest

Winner Aaron Kim, 16, from Tacoma, Wash., chose an article from the Well section headlined “How to Make a Staycation…

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‘Now Is Our Time to Assemble’: The Week 6 Winner of Our Summer Reading Contest

Our annual Summer Reading Contest invites teenagers around the world to tell us what New York Times pieces get their…

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‘My Heart Was Racing’: The Week 5 Winner of Our Summer Reading Contest

Winner Yugottam Koirala, 18, from Nepal chose an article from the Climate section headlined “Himalayan Glacier Loss Speeding Up, New…

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‘My Conflicting Views on Affirmative Action’: The Week 4 Winner of Our Summer Reading Contest

Winner Smrithi Senthilnathan, 17, from Chennai, India, chose a guest essay from the Opinion section headlined “I Teach at an…

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