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معلم وتعليم

30 لعبة مجانية رائعة للرياضيات للصف الرابع

تجلب الرياضيات للصف الرابع الكثير من التحديات الجديدة، مثل القسمة باستخدام البقايا والكسور العشرية. يقضي الأطفال أيضًا الكثير من الوقت…

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معلم وتعليم

30 First Grade Math Games That Will Really Engage Your Students

Early elementary teachers have a chance to instill in their students a love of math right from the start. One…

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معلم وتعليم

35 Meaningful Second Grade Math Games Your Students Will Love

Second grade math students are mastering their math facts and moving on to multi-digit addition and subtraction. They’re conquering time-telling…

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معلم وتعليم

28 Math Card Games That Are Educational and Fun

Need a way to get students more excited about building math skills? A deck of playing cards might just be…

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معلم وتعليم

30 Kindergarten Math Games That Make Early Learning Fun

Looking for ways to make math fun for young learners? Check out these kindergarten math games. They teach all the…

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معلم وتعليم

43 Best Team-Building Games and Activities for the Classroom

Looking for great ways to help students learn to work together, listen carefully, communicate clearly, and think creatively? Try some…

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مستقبل التعليم

Wisdom Factories and AI Games with Dr. Tim Dasey

Note: the following show notes were created using Anthropic’s Claude.ai – It seemed a propos after all: How should we…

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معلم وتعليم

33 Team-Building Games for Adults That Energize Staff Meetings

Finding good team-building games for adults can be tricky, especially when it comes to school staff meetings. You might be…

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معلم وتعليم

56 Preschool Activities and Games for Learning and Fun

Preschoolers are all energy and curiosity, which is perfect because preschool is all about learning through movement and play. Here…

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معلم وتعليم

30 Fun Name Games To Try With Your New Class

Learning names can be equally daunting for both students and teachers. It’s not just the act of associating names with…

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