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مستقبل التعليم

Building a Disruptive Alternative to Post-Secondary Education with Reuben Ogbonna

Reuben Ogbonna is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Marcy Lab School. He joins host Mike Palmer in a…

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منوعات تعليمية

Celebrating the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools and Sustainability Efforts at the Department

By: Andrea Suarez Falken, Special Advisor for Infrastructure and Sustainability, U.S. Department of Education Before presenting this year’s awards, Deputy…

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مؤسسات التعليم

A comparison between U.S. and Norway education systems

My wife and I are presently traveling in Norway this week, so I don’t have time for a full-fledged post,…

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مستقبل التعليم

Taking a 4-Year-Old to an Education Conference and the Launch of the Palm Court Podcast

Mike shares his thoughts coming out of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Education Summit that was recently held in Washington, DC.…

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مؤسسات التعليم

Is for-profit higher education dying or just a shell of itself?

As recently as 2015, the University of Phoenix enrolled more than 400,000 learners, making it not only the center of…

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مؤسسات التعليم

How Gross Inequalities in Institutional Wealth Distort the Higher Education Ecosystem and Shortchange the Vast Majority of Middle and Lower-Income Undergraduates

Ask yourself:  Would the $20 million gift that Bloomberg Philanthropies gave to Princeton in 2021 to support the university’s first-generation…

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التعليم الإلكتروني

3D Modeling Technology In Science Education

3D Technology And Education Science education has long relied on the use of textbooks, lectures, and lab experiments to teach…

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مؤسسات التعليم

The Forces That are Shaping the Future of Higher Education

The past’s meaning only becomes clear in hindsight.  Who would have guessed during the 1970s, a decade when it seemed…

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مستقبل التعليم

التعلم المرح مع LEGO Education Plus Title IX و Roe

بعد أسبوع من إجازة عائلية ، أبلغ مايك بالمر عن رحلة إلى LegoLand مع زوجته وابنه. هذا يقودنا مباشرة إلى…

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